Wind Mobility, e-scooter launches in Ireland

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Wind, one of the world’s leading e-scooter companies with competitive rates, has launched its Irish operation with a promise to offer the safest and most sustainable sharing scheme at an affordable rate for Irish users.

The Berlin-headquartered company operates a fleet of tens of thousands of e-scooters in major cities including Oslo, Rome, Seoul and Tel Aviv, as well as large urban centres around the world including the city of Nottingham, where Wind currently offers the most competitively priced e-scooter scheme in the UK.

Wind is also the only operator in the world that builds its own e-scooters, a crucial factor that allows the company to adapt to local market conditions and innovate for maximum safety, stability and sustainability. Wind will be the only e-scooter operator in Ireland that offers an integrated helmet for rider protection and the longest-lasting swappable battery for a truly sustainable solution.

The use of e-scooters and e-bikes in Ireland is set to be legalised in the coming months, now that the Government has approved the drafting of legislation.

“We’re so pleased to be setting up in Ireland as it’s a market we’ve been looking at for some time,” said Catriona Meehan, Head of Policy at Wind Mobility. “Legalisation of e-scooters will bring Ireland up to speed with most other EU countries and we commend Minister Ryan and all other stakeholders for persevering and getting the legislation to this stage.

“We look forward to offering Irish e-scooter riders a safe, sustainable and enjoyable mobility solution and will bring our competitive rates to the Irish market,” Meehan said.

Ireland ‘tailor-made’ for e-scooters

Wind comes to Ireland with one of the leading safety records in the industry and a commitment to prioritising rider safety. Wind e-scooters not only offer an integrated helmet but also integrated hand sanitisers for maximum protection during the Covid-19 pandemic, while wider tyres and heavier base ensure optimal stability – vital for Ireland’s diverse road surfaces and unpredictable climate.

“Cities like Dublin and Cork are tailor-made for e-scooter riding and sharing,” Wind’s Catriona Meehan said. “Both cities experience a high level of traffic congestion with associated air and noise pollution, two important urban issues that e-scooters can immediately alleviate while contributing to a more sustainable environment.

“We look forward to offering our mobility solution to Dublin and Cork initially once regulation has passed, with hopefully other Irish cities and towns to follow,” Meehan said.

“Sustainability is at the heart of our mission but not all e-scooter operators are the same in this regard,” Meehan said. “Our vehicles have a life span of 5 years whereas many other e-scooters only last 8-12 months, so wherever we go, we have a much lower environmental impact than other companies.

“Our batteries also last for 80km before they need to be charged, which is double the industry standard,” Meehan said.

Discounts for frontline workers

As Ireland edges towards a recovery after 12 months of Covid-19 restrictions, Wind says it will offer special discounts for healthcare personnel and other key workers to allow our everyday heroes to get to work safely with a mode of transport that allows for social distancing.


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