Stop Acting Your Age! – Senior Times Live! Returns to Cork City Hall this Weekend

Described as ‘the vibrant lifestyle experience for older people’ the Senior Times Live! event is back in City Hall, Cork again after nearly three years. It will take place on Friday 25th and Saturday 26th November from 11 am until 5 pm.

senior times live
There’s a lot on offer at this weekend’s show

According to the organisers, this free-admission event for retired and older people “has something to interest everyone” and will feature over 60 stalls as well as talks, workshops, cooking demonstrations, wine-tasting, bridge tuition, health screenings, musical entertainment and exercise classes.

Eric Knowles
Eric Knowles

One of the stars of the event will be Eric Knowles, known to millions for his appearances on BBC’s Antiques Roadshow for over 30 years. 

Eric Knowles will appear on Saturday 26th November and will offer visitors free valuations of small antiques and collectables as well as larger items from photographs.  But the organisers warn that these valuations ‘are hugely popular at our events around the country and visitors should arrive at  City Hall as early as possible to ensure they get to see Eric’.

Another collectors expert Mike Kelly will also be offering free valuations of coins, stamps, medals and banknotes.  At a recent Senior Times Live! The event, says the organiser, Mike Kelly spotted a group of coins worth €30,000.

Christmas cooking demonstrations will be a popular feature of the event as the Festive Season approaches and wine experts will be offering suggestions to accompany the Christmas meals. (Including non-alcoholic wines).

Well-known local Artist and Art Educator Declan O’Meara will be running two Crafts Workshops each day. One on jewellery making and one on felting.

There will also be an opportunity for beginners to learn bridge as well as tips for more experienced players.

Musical entertainment will be provided by the Cork Male Voice Choir while UCC Professor Des McHale will be examining the Cork sense of humour in his presentation

SeniorTimes LIVE! is open from 11 am – 5 pm on both Friday the 25th and Saturday the 26th of November in City Hall.

Admission is free. For more details go to call 01 496 9028 or email [email protected][email protected] or [email protected]

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