Maastricht and Treated…André Rieu Returns to Dublin!

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The most famous thing to come out of Maastricht since the EU Treaty in 1992…André Rieu is coming back to Ireland, as part of his latest European Tour.

Derided by classical music snobs and loved by the masses in equal measure, the be-mulleted Dutchman – who has been lauded for bringing mainstream classical music to a wider and younger audience – will bring his 60-piece Johann Strauss Orchestra to Dublin’s 3Arena on April 21.

Despite being a classically trained musician, Rieu has become famous for his ability to appeal to a mass audience. He’s considered a bit of a maverick in the classical music world for his unique approach to music, and his concerts draw audiences from across the cultural spectrum. His music has become popular with young and old audiences alike, and he has become a cultural ambassador for classical music who has managed to keep the genre alive for younger generations.

Rieu’s concerts are extravagant affairs, which often include fireworks, lights, and dancers. His concerts are held in different outdoor locations worldwide, including football stadiums, public squares, and even the Palace of Versailles. His most famous concert is held annually in Maastricht, where around 80,000 people attend each year.

Rieu’s music has been described as cinematic and theatrical, and it infuses classical music with a modern twist. He has released over 100 albums, selling over 40 million copies worldwide.

What: André Rieu

Where: 3Arena, Dublin

When: April 21

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