A Break in Connemara

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Connemara in County Galway is one of Ireland’s most visit-worthy regions, with quaint traditional towns, gorgeous coastal views and plenty of historically significant areas to visit. Here’s our guide to some of Connemara’s best attractions, so you can spend a couple of days exploring out west:

A Break in Connemara

Day One: A Historical Journey

Start your journey in Furbogh, just outside of Galway City, for a bite to eat by the sea at Pádraicín’s Seafood Bar and Restaurant. You can grab a coffee, a pint or some fresh local seafood and enjoy the views over Furbogh Beach.

Once you’ve filled up on some of Connemara’s best produce, head up to Oughterard, where you can explore the historical ruins of Aughnanure Castle. From the remains of the banquet hall to the watch tower, Aughnanure is a great one for the history lovers out there.

After all that sightseeing, it’s time head to the endearing Powers Thatch bar and restaurant for something to eat. This little restaurant is disguised as a traditional thatched cottage, with the charming interiors to match.

Once you’ve finished up, make your way over to Currarevagh House – one of our favourite historical hotels. This homely hotel is the ultimate spot to relax and make yourself comfortable, with views of the serene Lough Corrib.

Day Two: From Kylemore to Clifden

Once well rested, it’s time to set off on the drive up to Pollucapal, where you can visit Kylemore Abbey –one of Connemara’s most extraordinary properties– for a historical day out. Explore the abbey’s Victorian Walled Gardens and Neo-Gothic Church along the shores of Lough Pollucapal.

Next, visit the traditional village of Clifden, where you’re guaranteed to find some lovely little spots to spend some time. Pop into the traditional Lowry’s Music and Whiskey Bar to wind down with a drink, and if you’re lucky you might catch some live music.

Treat yourself to a night of luxury at Abbeyglen Castle Hotel, where you can wine and dine in the warmth of the gourmet restaurant. Choose from plenty of tasty dishes made from local produce, including the fresh catch of the day and Connemara lamb, before heading up for a royal night’s sleep in one of the castle’s bedrooms.

Where’s your favourite spot to visit in Connemara? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

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Ava Farrelly
Ava Farrelly
Ava Farrelly is a travel journalist for travel2ireland, ITTN and TravelTimes. With a background in arts, culture and lifestyle, Ava has a keen eye for the most visit-worthy destinations and all their attractions.

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