Ten days To Get Your Kilkenny Cat 

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The auction of the 21 fabulously decorated Kilkenny Cats will be on Thursday 5 May in Butler House at 18.30. The cats were art installations on the Kilkenny Catwalk Trail for the past year. They provided a new and exciting activity and walking route around the city, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ten days To Get Your Kilkenny Cat  

It was designed to support and bring local businesses, arts and community together. It was also to attract visitors to Kilkenny and create footfall throughout the city.  

The project also supported the Sláintecare, Keep Well Campaign. Kilkenny is one of the most intact medieval cities in Ireland and proud of its well-maintained heritage. 

Do The Kilkenny Catwalk

The Kilkenny Catwalk is a fantastic arts trail of 21 wonderful Kilkenny Cat sculptures (1m high). They have been decorated by some of Ireland’s most talented artists. Including Mary de Blacam, Elizabeth Cope, Mick Minogue, Paul Mosse, Bonnie Mier/Cartoon Saloon, Orla de Brí, Paul Bokslag and more. 

The painted cats have been on public display in and around Kilkenny City and have been a fun attraction. The Catwalk Trail project placed cats in obvious places but also sited them where you have to find them. It has been a great way to explore medieval Kilkenny. This hide and seek game has amused many over the past year.

 The Catwalk trail involved many public and private organisations, with cats in the grounds of Kilkenny Castle, the Tholsel, St. Canice’s Cathedral, at Butler House and Gallery, in Rothe House, Kilkenny Design. Cats are also, in hotels; the River Court, Langton House, the Ormonde and the MacDonagh and Market Cross Shopping Centres. There is even one in the beer garden at Sullivan’s Taproom on John Street Lr.

This project is a partnership between Kilkenny Civic Trust and Kilkenny County Council and the money raised will be invested in vital conservation work. Hopefully, after the auction some of the fab cats will remain in Kilkenny for future visitors.

The Kilkenny Cats map can be downloaded from the website, or from the Apple and Play stores, as an app. It is also available at the Kilkenny Visitor Centre on High Street. See details here.

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Joan Scales
Joan Scales
Award-winning journalist, Joan has been writing about travel and tourism for many years principally for The Irish Times and lately for travel2ireland. Joan has appeared many times on television and radio talking about the business of travel and all its component strands. She is also a public speaker and has appeared at many international conventions and conferences.

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