Remember Your Ex – Name a Cockroach After Them for Charity!

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Were your ex-partners bugging you in the run-up to Valentine’s Day?

What better way to repay the favour and commemorate them than by naming a cockroach after them.

In the run-up to Valentine’s Day, earlier this month, SEA LIFE Bray announced it is encouraging the un-romantics out there to name one of their cockroaches after that certain someone who has been ‘bugging’ them!

And, the chance to do so is still there. In exchange for a small donation to the SEA LIFE Trust, their name will feature in SEA LIFE Bray’s brand-new Ranger Hut area – home to Madagascan hissing cockroaches and African land snails. 

All proceeds go the SEA LIFE Trust, a global charity that works to protect the world’s oceans.

The SEA LIFE Trust provides vital care for marine animals through sanctuaries, funds a wide range of conservation projects as well as creating the world’s first Beluga Whale Sanctuary off the south coast of Iceland.

To find out more and make your donation, please visit the website here:

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