Craving for the Best Battered Burgers? Irish Takeaway Awards 2022 has the Answers!

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If you are a foodie, you would definitely want to know all the details about this one. After all, isn’t it a takeaway that comes to our rescue every Friday when we are all set to welcome the weekend? Or even midweek when we are waiting for the weekend!

There were several categories at the Irish Takeaway of the Year 2022 Awards. From The Burger of the Year, Indian Takeaway of the Year, to Fish & Chip Takeaway of the Year and more.

The YesChef Takeaway Awards 2022 were held on 21 February in the Radisson Blu Hotel, Athlone. Close to 300 guests from across the island joined the programme hosts – YesChef Ireland to celebrate the stars of the Takeaway Industry in Ireland. You can see the full list of winners here but I know where I am going to get my burger from! (Hint: Mangans Traditional Fish & Chips, Wexford).

Programme Director Nicci Smith said, “It’s hard to believe that we held our first Takeaway Awards in 2019 and little did we know what lay ahead for us all and the challenges that would face the industry.

I’m proud to say that the people who joined us tonight helped to sustain Irish people through some of the toughest times they have faced.  Food is not just a necessity it is a joy, a pleasure in life, a sensory experience, something that lifts us at the end of a tough week!  And these guys lifted us through a tough two years!

Owners and staff in takeaways across the country were on the frontline with a smile on their faces and a willingness to go the extra mile.  Restaurants pivoted to deliver takeaway food and throughout it all quality improved and standards raised. 

And I don’t say that lightly, each and every business was independently assessed and the standards were superb.  I need to point out also that researchers found the level of service to be superb, I read so many comments complimenting teams for their happy smiles, banter and going the extra mile.”

So rightly summed up, isn’t it? Now if you’re on your phone, searching for ‘takeaways near me’ you know which ones have won the awards. It’s like creating a new takeaway bucket-list of sorts, trying out different restaurants from the 2022 winners list.

Here’s hoping all foodies do some ‘exploring’ when ordering your next takeaway this week!

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Prerna Shah
Prerna Shah
Prerna Shah is a media and content professional with over a decade of experience in both print as well as digital. She pursues her love of a good story and storytelling by writing features, blogs, essays and interviews.

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