Hoteliers Call For Clarity on Wedding Numbers – is it 50 or 100 guests?

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Couples across the country face an anxious wait on whether the number of permitted guests can increase to 100 from August 6th. The increase had been anticipated under the broader reopening of society.   

The Irish Hotels Federation (IHF) President, Elaina Fitzgerald Kane said “Public health remains our number one priority and we recognise the difficult balance the Government has to achieve. We are asking the Government to bear in mind that most wedding guests have been vaccinated.  And most weddings are being hosted in spacious ballrooms many of which offer in excess of current social distancing requirements.  

 “Wedding couples, many of whom have rescheduled their wedding plans a number of times, find themselves less than two weeks before their wedding with their plans in jeopardy again.

Hotels inundated with calls

Hotels and wedding venues across the country have been inundated with calls from wedding couples, over the last week,  asking if they need to ‘un-invite’ 50 of their guests. It is important to them and their guests to have clarity on what is permitted,” she said. 

 “From a safety perspective, wedding venues are controlled settings with clear processes in place in terms of seating pods and contact tracing. Our members are committed to the implementation of the guidelines and protocols developed by Fáilte Ireland.

And since the outset of the pandemic, the implementation of Government safety measures has proved highly effective.  It has been helped by the strong support of our teams and co-operation of guests. Everyone wants to make these days extra special for couples, given the upset and uncertainty many have faced in planning their special day,” Ms Fitzgerald Kane added. 


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