Guidelines for Indoor Dining from July 26th

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Fáilte Ireland issued the guidelines for reopening of indoor dining late on Friday night, July 23rd and the contact details were changed on Sunday evening, July 25th. It will now only be necessary for one person in a group of up to six diners to give a contact telephone number.

The guidelines are:  

  • All customers who eat and drink indoors in pubs and restaurants must provide name and number for one person in the groups for contact tracing. Businesses must keep a record of time and date of arrival 
  • Customers must present their certificate, vaccination record or other proof of immunity and QR code on certificate will be scanned. Customers may need to show photo ID 
  • There is no time limit on the amount of time customers can sit at table and no requirement for pre-booking 
  • A maximum of six people aged 13 or over can sit at each table, the six-person limit will not include children aged 12 or younger. Total capacity at the table with children is 15 
  • Counter service will remain prohibited, all premises must close at 11.30pm. Music performances, dancing or other entertainment between tables will not be permitted. 
  • If a customer leaves the premises, they must notify a staff member and will need to be rechecked or provided with a “clearly identifiable non-transferable pass” 
  • Physical distancing of 2m, reduced to 1m “in controlled environments”. Customers will have to wear face coverings at all times when not seated at their table. 
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