Step Back into the Viking Age at Craggaunowen this Bank Holiday Weekend!

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Looking to get the kids out? Why not step back in time at Craggaunowen, which will be transformed into a Viking village with medieval games, battle creations and a celebration of Norse arts, crafts and trades this August Bank Holiday Weekend!

‘The Viking Age at Craggaunowen’ will provide visitors with an insight into how the pagan warriors lived in Ireland during the 9th and 10th centuries this Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th August.

The highlight of the weekend will be the battle recreations on the Castle Green at 12.00pm, 2.00pm and 4.00pm daily when warring warriors demonstrate their fierce fighting and defensive skills.

Visitors will be able to don the suits of chain-mail and hold a Viking Helmet, shield and other armoury once used for protection during the intense battles that raged across Ireland over 1,000 years ago.

Visitors will have the opportunity to see and experience what life was like during the Viking Age at a recreated village where historically accurate workshop tents will host crafters demonstrating their trading, leather working, and wicket basket and jewellery making skills.

Kids of all ages will also be able to participate in Viking-themed activities from the “throwing logs” game of Knubb to Hnefatafl, a game akin to modern-day chess.

The open-air museum at Craggaunowen will bring the Viking story to life – it promises to be an educational and entertaining weekend for all the family!

Tickets for ‘The Viking Age at Craggaunowen’ are available online at

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Julia Labedz
Julia Labedz
Julia has several years of experience as a writer and editor, working with independent clients as well as larger organizations. Prior to working for ITTN she was a marketing executive. She has both a BA and MFA in English with Creative Writing, with an extensive professional and creative portfolio. In her free time, Julia works on her novel.

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