Secret Street Tours: 365 Days of Kindness

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As we enter the new year, it would be great to leave the challenges of 2021 behind us. Unfortunately, times are still uncertain and the Covid-19 virus seems to be more rampant than ever. If there’s one thing we can do for ourselves and those around us, it’s showing a little bit of kindness and support to make these trying times that bit brighter. Secret Street Tours –a non-profit social enterprise– is setting out on a journey to do just that.

Secret Street Tours

In a true act of selflessness, Secret Street Tours is on a mission to shed some light on the reality of homelessness in Dublin, bringing those forced onto the streets an opportunity to tell their stories.

The organisation aims to end the stigma around homelessness and educate Dublin on the hardships faced by those affected, giving them their own voice as they guide city tours of a less conventional nature.

There are currently two guides employed as part of the project, with the aim to bring more on board in the near future. Shane and Kenny have both experienced substantial periods of homelessness, and are now working with Dublin Street Tours to share their side of the story.

The walking tours explore cultural and historic landmarks in their local area, allowing guests to see the city from a new perspective. The project was designed with the hope of providing the guides with the skills and confidence to take the next step towards independent living, while raising awareness of what is one of Dublin’s most prominent social issues.

365 Days of Kindness
Secret Street Tour with Guide Shane

365 Days of Kindness

Secret Street Tours is now teaming up with Hazel Tucker-Fogarty (founder of Virtually Irish), who is launching a new initiative. The goal is to encourage the people of Dublin to recognise and incorporate acts of kindness in their day-to-day lives throughout 2022.

The new ‘365 Days of Kindness’ challenge celebrates acts of kindness witnessed across the city during these difficult times, highlighting the importance of thoughtfulness as we help each other through.

The idea of the campaign is to spread positivity through social media, sharing stories across all platforms. No matter the size of the gesture, Secret Street Tours wants to share your story, to show that a bit of kindness really can go a long way.

Whether it’s something you’ve witnessed in passing, or an act you’ve experienced first-hand, you can share your story with the team via email, or by using the hashtags #365kindnesschallenge, #secretstreettours and #kindness2022. Stories can be kept completely anonymous if requested.

Let’s start spreading some kindness in 2022. Join Secret Street Tours and explore Dublin’s lesser-known neighbourhoods while supporting a social enterprise that spreads kindness with our expertly curated travel guide for Ireland.

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Ava Farrelly
Ava Farrelly
Ava Farrelly is a travel journalist for travel2ireland, ITTN and TravelTimes. With a background in arts, culture and lifestyle, Ava has a keen eye for the most visit-worthy destinations and all their attractions.

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