Restaurants to Take Deposits or Demand ‘No Show Fees’

Some restaurants are introducing deposits for reservations due to a large amount of “no shows” last year.  Restaurants and pubs have no other option but to begin taking deposits or requesting a ‘no show fee’. when booking a table this time around.


I decided to reach out to a few of my favourite places around Ireland and see if they were partaking in the deposits or ‘no show fees’.


Marco Pierre Whites, Dawson Street:

Marcos is keeping it simple, €20 per person deposit that will be taken off your bill at the end if you arrive.

House Dublin:

House will certainly hold tables for you on most dates without a deposit or holding of card details however, they have ongoing renovations and the exact reopening date has not yet been confirmed.

Fire Steakhouse & Bar:

They are not charging a deposit for outdoor reservations, they are however asking for card details to secure arrival. These details are securely saved into Stripe and there is a  €30 per person no-show fee.


Circa does not take any money unless they have received a late cancellation.

They only have 20 seats currently available, so if you cancel on the day they now have a minimum charge of €50 per person. Up to 48 hours before they will charge €20 per person as it can then be tricky to fill the seats.

Baste BBQ:

Baste will not be doing any deposits or holding card details. They won’t even be doing a booking system. Dining will be doing a first-come-first-served basis for walk-ins.

Night Market:

Night Market will not be operating a deposit system. They won’t be taking bookings until they know for definite what restrictions they will be operating under and when they are allowed to reopen.

Suesey Street:

They typically do take deposits for groups of 8 however, as these are not permitted, for the time being. The maximum number for dining is six under current Covid guidelines. They will be taking card details to confirm all bookings.

Kimchi Hophouse:

Kimchi Hophouse has decided to do the opposite and put more trust back into the community by not doing deposits or no-show fees.


I am a little surprised that a couple of the restaurants here are deciding to steer clear of deposits and the holding of card details, hopefully, they won’t be let down again similar to last year.


#ITTNIreland #ITTNSwitchedon


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