One in Five Irish Adults Plan to Travel in Next Three Months

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A survey has found that almost 20 per cent of Irish adults are planning a foreign trip in the next three months, up from 15 per cent in February.

The report by Finder’s Travel Index found that Irish interest in travel has grown, but still remains the fourth-lowest in the globe, which suggests that the government’s strong message on avoiding foreign travel, coupled with penalties for undertaking non-essential trips, has had its desired effect.

Irishmen plan to travel more than women

Travel appetite is bigger in men than women, with the desire to travel amongst men growing from 15.4 per cent in February to 21.68 per cent in March. While interest also rose amongst women, it only rose from 14.56 per cent to 16.05 per cent.

Domestic Travel

The biggest jump for both men and women between the February and March Travel Indexes was in those planning to travel in April domestically, jumping from 1.92 per cent to 3.42 per cent of women planning to travel and from 2.22 per cent to 7.12 per cent of men – which is predictable as Ireland looks toward the end of the restrictive lockdown that has reduced all domestic travel to a 5km radius.

In world rankings, Ireland ranks 15th out of the 18 countries surveyed for people who want to undertake any kind of travel, whether international or domestic. Only the UK, Spain (both 19 per cent) and Canada (13 per cent) rank below Ireland.

Malaysia is the country most likely to engage in international travel, with 39 per cent of Malaysians saying they will travel in the next three months.

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