Fizzing with Culture- Phizzfest 2024

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Arts and culture, canal ways, urban village life, multiculturalism and football – these are some of the features that mark out Phibsborough as a community. The programme for Phizzfest 2024 reflects this distinct identity, in over 50 events across music, literature, art, drama, comedy, film, history and architecture.

Here we round up our top five picks from a schedule brimming with interesting events:

Category: Literature

Justine McCarthy in conversation with Sharon Ní Bheoláin

Award-winning journalist and Irish Times columnist Justine McCarthy in conversation with RTÉ’s Sharon Ní Bheoláin, on a career spanning four decades of Irish life, which is captured in Justine’s acclaimed book An Eye on Ireland. Journeying through the country’s social, cultural and political change, a-not-to be missed discussion by two leading figures in Irish media.

Category: Music

Fizzy Orange with support by Banríon

This fast up-and-coming six-piece indie/alternative rock group from Dublin have become a consistent sell out act in Ireland and abroad. With influences ranging from rock & roll to rocksteady, Fizzy Orange are bringing Dublin City Soul with them wherever they go. Supported by Dublin indie trailblazers Banríon, this will be a night to remember!

Category: Comedy

Gearoid Farrelly

Fresh from his sold out Glamour Hammer tour of UK and Ireland, Gearoid comes to Phizzfest with an uproarious show that mixes fresh material with tour highlights. Gearoid is also co-host of the popular Agony Rants podcast which he hosts with Eurovision legend Niamh Kavanagh.

‘Gearoid Farrelly is bloody hilarious’ Sarah Millican

‘My Absolute Favourite’ Joanne McNally

Category: Film

5 Broken Cameras (Palestine)

Oscar-nominated documentary film 5 Broken Cameras tells the story of a Palestinian farmer Emad Burnat who chronicles his non-violent resistance to the Israeli armed forces in the West Bank. In his village, a separation barrier is being built and the villagers start to resist this decision. Over five years, Emad films the struggle, alongside filming his young son Gibreel as he grows. The screening will include Palestinian food, with speakers and an information stall from the IPSC.

Category: Yoga

Outdoor Yoga

Inspire (or re-inspire if you have already been out for the Saturday session) your day with a one-hour yoga session in the park. Led by Nicky Lewis. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a mat or a towel if you don’t have one.

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