My daughter (8) has a vivid imagination and loves fairies and all things to do with them. I would like to take her somewhere in Ireland during the summer holidays to have a “fairy experience.” Is there such a thing? DN, Cork.
I love fairies myself, I have three in my garden, and we often have a chat. One of the most fun things I have done in recent years, with some American cousins, was finding the fairy houses in Derrynane Wood.
We were visiting that part of Kerry and after touring the home of Danie O’Connell we stumbled on the fairy trail in the late afternoon. It was an exciting time, running around the woods, trying to see who could spot the most. There are some pictures of the houses we found below.
Fairy trails have become very popular and there are quite a few places where the fairies have decided to reveal themselves more to us humans. I think they are less afraid of us, and we of them. There really is no such thing as a bad fairy.
Wells House an enchanting day out

Another place you could take your daughter is, Wells House, which is near Gorey in Co. Wexford. This former mansion and its grounds have become home to many different activities. The Lady Frances Woodland walk will take you on an enchanted way to discover some charming fairy houses. There are also some surprises. It is a great place to spend a day with lots for everyone to do.
While there you should also do Mogue’s Enchanted Walk and meet not just fairies, but also trolls, bears, witches, wizards and a giant dragon.
You can find a list of 20 fairy trails around Ireland on Mykidstime. If you had a tree or a special space in your home you could buy your daughter her own fairy door, and you never know what might happen. The Irish Fairy Door Company are the first company to make fairy doors. They have a lovely selection to choose from €12.
International Fairy Day
Thursday, June 24th is International Fairy Day. It is a day for fairy believers to celebrate the stories, magic, and history of the Fair Folk. For centuries, fairies have been an important part of Celtic culture. In all of the ancient legends, these mythological creatures are described as intelligent, mischievous, and magical.
They have the ability to fly and cast spells, and they live in “Tír na nóg,” the land of eternal youth. Some say that humans don’t often see fairies because of the division between the two worlds. But sightings can occur at twilight or during Beltane, Mid-Summer’s Eve, June 21st, or All Hallow’s Eve.